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The poker media often spends the time before the annual World Series of Poker filling the pages of various websites with its predictions. They point out players on a hot streak who look ready for a big series. Others you may not have heard on the verge of a breakout. Or various poker personalities they deem destined to make a mark on the WSOP this year, one way or another.
However, we here at USPoker think it’s time someone turn the camera around. Flip the script, as they say, and put the spotlight back on members of the poker media instead.
The live bloggers plucked straight from the pages of Craigslist. The poker fanboys ogling their idols and looking for a way to min-cash without ever registering. The marketing copywriters posing as journalists. And, the sports commentators who never made it in the big leagues trying to appeal to one last deteriorating niche market.
These folks often trot out the same coverage strategies year in year out. So, their behavior, and its effect on the 2018 WSOP, should be easy enough to predict.
Our tongues are firmly planted in our cheeks here. Plus, specific names have been omitted to make sure these folks don’t approach us in the Rio...
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Currently, other poker websites to prevent are Carbon Poker, Sportsbook.ag and Players Just which are on the Merge Gaming Network. Withdrawal times are taking 10-14 weeks for checks, 2+ months for wire transfers, and 11-21 days for bitcoin. Another website we definitely didn't suggest playing at was Full Flush Poker, they went offline on October 1, 2016. Gamers had requested checks and bank wires for over a year that they never ever received before they closed their doors.
from Safest Online Poker Real Money https://www.uspoker.com/blog/poker-media-predictions-for-the-2018-wsop/23250/
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