Monday, 4 June 2018

Solo Box Office Sinks Quickly, Wonder Woman 2 In 80's - The John Campea Show

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Solo Box Office Sinks Quickly, Wonder Woman 2 In 80
Support John on Patreon - OFF THE TOP - Jeremy Renner Broke Both Arms While Filming MOVIE NEWS FEED - Wonder Woman 2 Confirmed Set In The 80’s - Solo Struggles On 2nd Weekend At The Box Office - Deadpool 2’s Russell Joins Godzilla Vs Kong - Silver and Black Movie Pulled From Release Schedule VIEWER TOPICS Cameron Moore - We still have Indiana Jones 5 to come, but after the box office results of Solo, will this have any inclination on LucasFilm recasting Indy? Audiences didn’t seem ready to embrace a Solo-less Harrison Ford, and would the results be the same for Indiana Jones? Thanks and keep up the great work. PATREON SUPPORTER Vrinder Singh Johal - With Episode 9 starting production very soon I think it’s fair to say that Lucasfilm have already decided whether to recast Princess Leia or not. I think they should let fans know their intentions regarding Leia sooner rather than later because whatever they have decided will cause division among fans . Telling fans now will give us time to get used to their decision by the time the movie is released. Court Jarrell - Hey John, from Toronto. Been with Sinemia nearly two months....
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