Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Star Wars Resistance: Why Fans Are Rejecting The Trailer

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Star Wars Resistance: Why Fans Are Rejecting The Trailer
See the full episode this clip is from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlSCPiqdCN8 John answers viewers questions about the new animated series, Star Wars Resistance. Gary writes, So I've seen a lot of Youtube vids about how badly the Resistance trailer is being received (currently 11k thumbs up to 94k thumbs down) compared to the Clone Wars trailer (currently 275k thumbs up to 9.2k thumbs down). Do you think this shows where Star Wars fans desires lay? That we would rather have a more serious animated show and will Disney pay any attention to the rating on Youtube or soldier on regardless? If they do might the series bomb?
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